Lake Region Arts Council (LRAC) is excited to announce two new features in the LRAC Foundant Online Grant system: Copy Previous Applications and Collaborate on Applications. These features have been added based on the public’s feedback from the LRAC Needs Assessment Survey.
Copy Feature for returning applicants:
Are you or your organization a returning applicant?
Have you previously submitted a grant to the LRAC Foundant Online Grant System?
If the answer to both these questions is YES, then the new Copy Feature will work for your next grant application. Copying a previous application will save you time and typing. After you have logged into your LRAC online grant account, complete the following steps:
Step #1 Click the Apply Button to start your grant application.
Step #2 Click the Copy Previous Answers Button in the upper right hand corner.
Step #3 Review the list of available past applications to see which one has the most matching fields. This means the information typed in the last application will automatically fill into your new draft application.
Step #4 Select the previous grant application that is the best fit for your new grant.
Best Practice Tip: Match up your grant application to the best fitting previous grant, such as Project to Project Grant, Legacy to Legacy, Operating Support to Operating., etc. in order to have the best answers in your new application.
Step #5 Final Step is Very Important!
Be sure to read through every copied answer to make sure it is the right answer for the new application.
NOTE: Any questions that have already been answered on the current form will NOT be overwritten by a copied answer.
An important note.
Now you can collaborate on applications:
Do you have different people working on different sections of the grant application?
Could you benefit from a second set of eyes reviewing your application for grammar and content?
Are you applying with a fiscal agent who needs to read and sign the application?
If your answer is YES to any of these questions, then the Collaboration Feature will work great for you.
It’s a simple process to invite others to read and work on the application at the same time. You’ll need an email address for each collaborator. Then determine what level of collaboration to assign each invitee.
Level #1 View: the ability to view the grant application but not edit or submit it. Level #2 Edit: the ability to read and write in the application but not submit it. Level #3 Submit: the ability to read, write, and submit the application.
Here are the Collaboration Steps:
Step #1 Click the Apply Button to start your grant application.
Step #2 Click the Collaborate Button in the upper right hand corner
Step #3 Complete the Collaborate information Box: Enter the email address, Assign the Level of Permission by clicking the circle. Personalize the email with your invitation.
Best Practice Tip: Fiscal Agent’s representatives should read and sign the application to provide the financial oversight as described in the signed Fiscal Agent contract. Collaborating artists and organizations could work together on applications to make sure everything is correct. Financial officers and treasurers could complete and upload the LRAC Annual Revenue and Expense Report and/or application’s budget.