Therese Vogel, Felton
Wilkin County
Therese Vogel lives in Clay County and is serving a one-year term as a representative on behalf of neighboring Wilkin County.
Therese worked for 24 years for the Ulen-Hitterdal School as Community Ed. Director, Top Hat Theatre Exec. Director, Career Guidance Counselor and grant writer. Recently retired, Therese continues to write grants for the school. She has also served as a MN State Arts Board grant review panelist. Therese has experience working with youth, serving on other boards and in marketing and promotion.
When asked why she was interested in serving on the LRAC Board, Therese said, “I have appreciated LRAC support in the past years to grow and sustain the various art related projects in our community, I realize how much time and effort it takes to review and score grants, but I look forward to helping.”